I did my concept map on the chapters "Introduction to three-dimensional geometry" of class 11th and "The inverse trigonometric functions" of class 12th
As per the B.Ed curriculum, online classes for students was conducted as part of our teaching practice. Due to corona, we had to take 10 online classes for students. I took classes on the chapter 'Pairs of equations' for 9th standard students of AMMHS school, Karavaloor from 23 November 2020. As per the B.Ed curriculum, I did my innovative work on the same chapter. I prepared a digital game as my innovative work for students to review their knowledge on the chapter. Class with the innovative work was taken on 27 November 2020. Students responded well to my work. It was a great experience to showcase my work in front of my students.
As part of two years B.Ed. curriculum, we had a teaching practice section in the fourth semester. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, we were unable to do the teaching practice. So in order to solve this, we conducted 15 peer teaching among these, 10 were online, and 5 were offline. In our college, peer teaching classes started on 22 Feb 2021. For that, we were divided into 10 groups, each having 5 members. My group members were Jeena Kunjumon, Kripa, Neethu Babu, and Nancy. 5 classes were taken in offline mode. These classes started on 2 March 2021 to 4 March 2021. I took my 5 classes on the chapter 'Construction of quatrilaterals'.All members supported each other throughout the session. It was a great experience for me
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